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O'Donnell School of Public Health Catalog
Student Information
Alumni Association
Degree Programs
HEAP - Health Economics and Policy
HDS - Health Data Sciences
CLIN - Clinical Investigation
EPID - Applied Epidemiology
HPSA - Health Promotion-Structure-Agency
HSS - Health Systems Science
PUBH - Public Health Practice
QDS- Quantitative Data Sciences
QDS 5100
QDS 5200
QDS 5201
QDS 5300
QDS 5301
QDS 5302
QDS 5303
QDS 5304
QDS 5305
QDS 5306
QDS 5307
QDS 5308
QDS 5309
QDS 5310
QDS 5311
QDS 5312
QDS 5100W
QDS 5300W
QDS 5301W
QDS 5302H
QDS 5303H
QDS 5313
QDS 5320
QDS 5321
QDS 5322
QDS 5323
QDS 5325
QDS 5330
QDS 5331
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Medical School
Health Professions
Public Health
QDS 5100
Introduction to Programming and Software Packages
QDS 5200
Intermediate Programming
QDS 5201
Survey Research Design I
QDS 5300
Introduction to Public Health Data
QDS 5301
Introduction to the Analysis of Public Health Data
QDS 5302
Intermediate Public Health Data
QDS 5303
Intermediate Analysis of Public Health Data
QDS 5304
Behavioral Intervention Research Methods
QDS 5305
Advanced Analysis of Public Health Data
QDS 5306
Advanced Epidemiology
QDS 5307
Advanced Statistical Software Programming
QDS 5308
Cancer Epidemiology
QDS 5309
Genomic Data Analysis / Image Analysis [High dimensional data analysis]
QDS 5310
Infectious Disease Epidemiology
QDS 5311
Machine Learning and Deep Learning
QDS 5312
Pragmatic Research Design
QDS 5100W
Introduction to Programming and Software Packages
QDS 5300W
Introduction to Public Health Data
QDS 5401W
Introduction to the Analysis of Public Health Data
QDS 5302H
Intermediate Public Health Data
QDS 5303H
Intermediate Analysis of Public Health Data
QDS 5313
Statistical Computation
QDS 5320
Statistical Inference
QDS 5321
Advanced Data Analysis Methods I
QDS 5322
Advanced Data Analysis Methods II
QDS 5323
Survey Research Data Analyses
QDS 5314
Vaccines & Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
QDS 5330
Genetic Epidemiology
QDS 5331
Applied Epidemiology