The immune system has the ability to recognize an almost infinite number of antigens, thus protecting us against infections by a wide variety of pathogens.  However, a price of this diversity is autoreactivity. Although tolerance mechanisms normally keep autoreactive B and T cells in check, failure of these processes can lead to the development of autoimmune diseases.   Many different tissues can be attacked by the immune system in these diseases, including the joints, the kidneys, and the central nervous system, leading to significant morbidity and mortality. On the other hand, an understanding of tolerance has been exploited as a general approach to the treatment of cancer. Through a mixture of lectures, case studies, journal clubs, and team based learning activities, this course will explore the molecular and cellular basis for autoimmune diseases and cancer immunotherapy. Pathogenic mechanisms, susceptibility factors, diagnostic approaches, and therapeutic strategies will be discussed. 




Must be a 4th year Medical Student