Conception, Obstetrics and Child Health (COACH) is a track of the Frontiers in Medicine course designed to appeal to those interested in women’s and children’s health with a special emphasis on genetics. Our goal is to highlight what’s happening at the forefront of research and technology in the specialties of Obstetrics and Pediatrics.  Students will spend the first week being introduced to the worlds of prenatal genetic testing and postnatal genetic diagnosis within the theme of Frontiers in Genetics. They will also partake in exercises to explore how to effectively research these tests in an evidence-based manner.  The next week will be spent delving into the latest technologies available to assist with making prenatal and postnatal diagnoses as well as technological advancements in medicine at large, also called Frontiers in Technology.  The final week will be spent exploring the ethical questions that arise from implementing these rapidly expanding tests and technologies, the aptly named Frontiers in Ethics.  There are several lunch discussions embedded within the schedule to provide time for group exploration of the day’s topic and encourage active participation in the activities for the day.  As this course is designed for post-clerkship students, there is less focus on lecture and clinical duties and more time spent in interactive learning experiences, such as patient panels, role-play between patients and clinicians, and problem-based learning sessions as well as an ethics play. There has been a conscientious effort put into the schedule to respect the students’ time as they prepare for their new role on the horizon as interns. 






Must be a 4th year Medical Student