
Information concerning the current cost of a medical education at UT Southwestern can be viewed on the Tuition Schedule.

Tuition for nonresidents is three times the resident tuition rate. Texas statutes also provide that a nonresident student is permitted to pay the same tuition and fees as a Texas resident if the student holds a competitive scholarship worth at least $1,000 per year.

Students in doubt about their residency status for tuition purposes should consult the Residency Defined section in the General Information portion of the catalog.

The General Information site also describes the various fees and insurances needed by students at UT Southwestern. Contained within Student Information, these references include:

  • Designated Tuition
  • Tuition Installment Payments
  • Computer Usage and Technology Fees
  • Graduation Fee
  • Health Insurance
  • Disability Insurance
  • Incidental Fees
  • Laboratory Fee
  • Late Registration Fee
  • Malpractice Insurance Fee
  • Medical Services Fee
  • Returned Check Fee
  • Student Services Fee
  • Books and Equipment
  • Parking
  • Microscopes
  • Student Housing