Appealing Academic Decisions by the Student Promotions Committee

A student may appeal an academic decision of the Student Promotions Committee by submitting a written appeal to its Chair within 10 business days of the student’s receipt of the notification of the Student Promotions Committee decision. The student’s written appeal should contain the facts on which the appeal is based and any supporting documentation, the reason(s) the student believes the decision by the Student Promotions Committee should be changed, and the remedy sought.

The Chair will review the student’s written appeal and determine if the Committee has discretion pursuant to the Student Promotions Committee Guidelines to reconsider and impose a lesser remedial action. If it is determined that the Committee can reconsider its previous decision, the Student Promotions Committee will review the written appeal and meet with the student to discuss the appeal. The Committee will forward a written decision to the student within 10 business days after receiving the appeal. If the student is not satisfied with the Student Promotions Committee’s decision, the student may appeal in writing to the School’s Dean within 10 business days after receipt of the Student Promotions Committee’s decision. The Chair of the Student Promotions Committee will submit to the Dean all materials relevant to the appeal that were considered by the Committee.

The Dean of the School shall have the discretion either to determine the appeal personally or to appoint an ad hoc Committee or designee to consider the appeal and to make a recommendation to the Dean.

If the Dean personally considers the appeal, he will review the written appeal and may meet with the student to discuss the appeal. The Dean will forward a written decision to the student within 10 business days after receiving the appeal.

If the Dean appoints an ad hoc Committee or a designee, the Committee or designee will review the written appeal and may meet with the student to discuss the appeal. The ad hoc Committee or designee will forward a written recommendation to the Dean within 10 business days after receiving the appeal. The Dean will consider the ad hoc Committee’s or the designee’s written recommendation and will forward a written decision to the student within 10 business days after receiving the recommendation.

The decision of the Dean is final.