To gain in-depth exposure to the natural history, diagnosis, and multidisciplinary treatment of neoplasms involving the skin, soft tissue, and gastrointestinal tract. The experience can be organized around several individual educational objectives: A. To understand the role of surgery in the contemporary practice of multimodality therapy for cancer; B. To become familiar with the workup and diagnosis of patients with either known or suspected malignancy; C. To gain exposure to the unique physiologic and emotional needs of patients with malignancy and to begin developing a strategy for treating patients with cancer; D. To assist with some of the interesting operations performed by surgical oncologists including complex gastrointestinal resections, radical soft tissue resections, and imaging-directed lymph node sampling; E. To become familiar with the image-based techniques (CT scan, MRI, mammogram, PET scan, octreotide scan, angiograms, etc) commonly interpreted by surgical oncologists in the course of treating patients.