RAD 1902 SEL - IR
The student will gain further experience in IR by functioning at the level of a beginning IR resident under the direct supervision of attending faculty members. The student will participate in any/all procedures throughout the day. Students will have access to EPIC and will directly participate in clinical care, including presenting patients in morning rounds, working up consults, assisting with consenting patients for procedures and performing an appropriate history and physical exam prior to procedure, and placing post procedure notes and orders. The student will also have access to PACS computers and dictate draft reports of procedures to be signed by supervising faculty. At the end of the month, students will present a 10 minute clinical presentation of a case seen on service using appropriate current references from the medical literature at a subspecialty divisional meeting. Student performance will be assessed by evaluations submitted by supervising faculty and compiled by the course director.
Must successfully complete SUR 1808 prior to enrollment