The student will gain further experience in radiology by functioning at the level of a beginning radiology resident under the direct supervision of attending faculty members. The student will choose a subspecialty division in radiology in which to concentrate during the month and will work closely with faculty in that division. The student will have access to PACS computers and dictate draft reports of imaging studies to be signed by supervising faculty. The student may also assist faculty with patient work-up and procedures if procedures are covered by the chosen subspecialty. Students will attend resident conferences during the month and should attend at least one tumor board covered by the chosen subspecialty each week. Students will also attend Radiology Grand Rounds (usually once or twice per month) and may be required to attend journal club (at the discretion of the division director). At the end of the month, students will present a 10 minute clinical presentation of a case seen on service using appropriate current references from the medical literature at a subspecialty divisional meeting. Student performance will be assessed by evaluations submitted by supervising faculty in the chosen subspecialty and compiled by the course director.




Must have successfully completed RAD 2101 (RAD 1501) at UTSW or have course director approval