The CPICU is uniquely designed as it is jointly lead by the pulmonary and cardiology services given critically ill patients often require close collaboration of both services. This combined model allows for a four-week course designed to provide interested medical students a unique experience in the diagnosis and treatment of critically ill, and medically complex patients jointly with the cardiology and pulmonary teams. While in the CPICU, students will function as interns within the team under the direct supervision of medical residents/clinical fellows as well as attendings from the division of Cardiology and Pulmonary-Critical Care Medicine. They will be responsible for initial evaluation and admission, continued management and disposition. On attending rounds, the students in collaboration with medical residents and fellows will be the primary source of information to the team for their patients and will be expected to have a thorough and accurate understanding of ongoing clinical issues as patients progress. They will participate in communication with consulting physicians and nursing staff caring for their patients and have the opportunity to take part in procedures necessary for appropriate care. As patients are transferred from the CPICU, students will be encouraged to follow them beyond the CPICU and observe the recovery from critical illness and related long-term care needs. Finally, students will be able to witness and participate in pertinent end of life discussions as well as goals of care discussions with patients and their family members. The experience is designed to facilitate and empower the students to engage in high level clinical evaluation, make advanced management decisions and provide a solid foundation before they pursue their residency training.
Must successfully complete MED 1801 prior to enrollment