Goals and Objectives

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The Master of Science in Health Informatics program will provide students with the interpersonal, cognitive, analytical, and applied skills needed to thrive in the field of health informatics.

Students will build on skills already obtained through their previous education in medicine, health, computer science, or information technology and gain knowledge from educators with firsthand knowledge of systems and system challenges. Graduates will initiate meaningful change and be multidisciplinary leaders in the field of health informatics.

The opportunities for health informatics training at UT Southwestern are extensive, comprehensive, challenging, and will prepare you for a career at the interface of health care and technology. Our faculty are dedicated to providing an outstanding education for those who will shape the future direction of health care.

Students will study the best ways to create and deliver knowledge to clinicians and patients, when and where needed. Students will innovate, optimize, and modify care processes and provide safeguards to protect patients, systems, and providers.

Our goal is to transform students who are passionate about health informatics into health informatics professionals who will use their skills, knowledge, and passion to improve individual health, health care delivery, public health, and biomedical research.