Return of Title IV Funds

A student attending UT Southwestern who has received student financial aid and who withdraws, takes an approved leave of absence, or is dismissed may be required to return all or a portion of any aid received if the student’s separation (withdrawal, leave or dismissal) occurs after a term has begun and before completion of the academic term. The Office of Student Financial Aid will utilize approved federal formulas to determine the amount of applicable financial aid as of the separation date. Financial aid funds that must be returned by the separating student will be designated to the appropriate financial aid program in accordance with federal regulations.

A student’s separation date is the date the student begins the withdrawal process or officially notifies UT Southwestern of an intent to withdraw or the student’s last date of attendance at a documented, academically related activity.

If UT Southwestern is required to return any funds to one or more financial aid programs on the student’s behalf as a result of the student’s withdrawal, leave of absence or dismissal within a term, the student will be billed accordingly for all amounts returned on the student’s behalf.