Each third-year medical student spends six weeks on the obstetrics and gynecology service. The time is evenly divided between obstetrics and gynecology. Students are divided into small groups, and their clinical activities are supervised by house staff and faculty.  During obstetrics, students rotate through postpartum and antepartum care of medical complications of pregnancy. Students also provide care in the labor and delivery area and the triage area of Parkland and the prenatal clinic at Maple Plaza. Under supervision of house staff or certified nurse midwives, students deliver babies of uncomplicated pregnancies. Students also assist in the management of complicated pregnancies during the labor and delivery process and follow patients postpartum.  During gynecology, the students are divided into small groups and rotate through gynecology clinic and surgeries at Parkland and other hospitals. One afternoon is spent in the UT Southwestern Simulation Center learning laparoscopic techniques.  In addition to ward and clinical activities, each student spends four to five hours each week in formal conferences with faculty. These conferences are devoted to discussion of patients or clarification of information that the student has encountered elsewhere. Faculty members give lectures on the principles of obstetrics and basic gynecology.


