Courses Offered by all Division Programs

BSCI 5094 Research

Students enroll in this course while conducting dissertation research prior to being admitted to candidacy. May be repeated for credit.

BC 5095, CMB 5095, IB 5095, MB 5095, and OC 5095 Contemporary Topics

One or more courses are offered in the format of a journal club on topics related to the individual Program. These courses offer students an opportunity to keep abreast of recent research results, to sharpen critical appraisal skills, and to develop public-speaking skills. May be repeated for credit.

BC 5096, CLP 5096, IMM 5096, MB 5096, and NS 5096 Directed Study

Selected faculty members of each Program provide tutorials for advanced analysis of a chosen topic. The format is determined by each Program but may incorporate any of the following: directed readings and discussions, lectures, laboratory work, and attendance at seminars and conferences. May be repeated for credit.

BC 5097, CAN 5097, CMB 5097, GD 5097, and OC 5097 Seminar

In this course each student presents discussions of a selected topic or of an aspect of his or her ongoing research. The interpretation of results and critical analysis of experimental data are emphasized. May be repeated for credit.

BSCI 5098, CAN 5098, IB 5098, IMM 5098, and NS 5098 Thesis Research

Students enroll in this course while conducting thesis research leading to a master’s degree.

BC 5099, BME 5099, BSCI 5099, CAN 5099, CLP 5099, CMB 5099, GD 5099, IB 5099, IMM 5099, MB 5099, MM 5099, NS 5099, and OC 5099 Dissertation Research

Students enroll in this course while conducting research leading to a Ph.D. degree.