Advanced Courses

Course requirements and descriptions are listed on the Course Descriptions page.

During the spring of the second year, students are required to pass a two-phase qualifying examination for admission to candidacy for the Ph.D. Phase I of the qualifying exam will consist of a written review of the relevant literature and description of the proposed thesis topic. Phase II consists of a written research proposal and its oral defense. Successful completion of the qualifying examination is required to advance to candidacy for the Ph.D. The goal of the examination is to assess the student’s knowledge of fundamental facts in advanced molecular microbiology and his or her ability to synthesize these facts and apply them to scientific research. It is designed to foster the development of useful skills such as original thinking, critical reading of the literature, logical design of experiments, and focused interpretation of data.

After the student is admitted to candidacy, a Supervisory Committee is appointed with the supervising professor as Chair. This Committee reviews and evaluates the student’s progress according to the Graduate School guidelines and, upon completion of the written dissertation-based original research and the student’s public presentation of the work, participates in the final oral examination of the student.